Thursday, April 19, 2012

undergraduate completion!

I apologize that I haven't been updating much lately. The end of the semester was looming ahead so all my projects and assignments were due at the same time and I had all my finals to study for. But my last final was Monday night so you know what that means! I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! And I just finished my undergraduate program!!!!

Who wants to join me?

I don't think it's actually hit me that I finished my university program, even though it's been 2 and a half days. In my mind, I still need to go back to school...which is kind of true for my CMA program but that's more part time. I think I need to go out and have a big celebration for it to really sink it.

Preferably one with lots of champagne showers.

You're probably all thinking, "But that was 3 nights ago! You should've made a post on Tuesday and it's now THURSDAY!!!!!! You lazy bum!" -cue those old school Batman fight scenes, with exclamation texts like, "Pow!" "Smack!"-

But but but but...I was enjoying my newfound freedom T_T! I only have a week to rest before I start studying for my huge CMA entrance exam on June 13th, which is the day before I leave for Asia! This exam tests you on everything you've learnt during your accounting major at uni, so it's a lot of material to study for. I deserve this break!

You said it.

I went shopping with my mom on Tuesday to find a dress for Alex's cousin's wedding in May. From what I'm hearing, it's going to be wedding of the year or something. That side of his family always has fancy parties so despite having several nice dresses, I had to get another one since they've seen me in all of my nicer dresses.

Possible choices..... ;)

Surprisingly, I found a dress! My mom and I went to BCBG, our go-to place for dresses and after trying on about 7 dresses, I was down to 4 of them. One of them didn't have my size, so now we're down to 3. One was super expensive so that one was out of the running. The two that I was torn between were the same price X-X. I must've tried those two dresses on about 3 times each, but I finally decided on one (everyone said that one looked better than me, including my mom and two saleswomen, how can you argue with that?).

None of my dresses actually look liked those...

The reason I haven't told you what colour and the style of the dress is because I told Alex that I wasn't going to show him the dress until the day of the wedding since he always wants to know what I'm wearing beforehand (don't know why) so I decided that it'd be a surprise, yay! Although, I don't think he reads or checks my blog, you never be too I'm sorry readers, looks like you won't find out until after the wedding. It's Alex's fault, you should blame him XD.

I received TONS of kawaii during the last stretch of my semester and during my finals so I'll have lots to show you guys in the future!


Saving Capulet said...

oh my gosh, congrats girl!! you deserve the splurge and the break! and grrr i cannot wait to see you in that dress! and I added you on my list, I hope you don't mind *blush*