Sunday, January 29, 2012

kapibara-san re-ments

These adorable little keychains were released on October 24, 2011 and are priced at about 315 Yen each which equals approximately $4.07 CND. It isn't too bad of a price considering how big and durable it looks.

I found out about these at the beginning of January and was able to find them for sale at Play Asia. On the webpage, it said that each unit would be randomly selected and since I wanted the whole set (obviously), I sent an e-mail asking if I purchased 5, did it mean that I should automatically receive the complete set.

Less than a day later, I received a reply saying that to get the complete set, I would have to purchase 10 since that's how many units a new box came in. However, they only have 7 units left right now. Being me, I bought all 7 remaining units hoping that I'd get the whole set and not doubles or triples of a bunch of them. I was planning on selling any duplicates that I'd get.

For those of you who don't know who/what Kapibara-san is, I will tell you. IT'S ONLY THE MOST CUTEST SUPER DUPER KAWAII UBER CUTE LOVEABLE CHARACTER OF ALL TIME!!!!! Oops, sorry for that outburst, it happens when I talk about kawaii things, let alone one of my favourite kawaii characters.

Excuse the outburst....

Kapibara-san is...well, a capybara, the largest rodent in the world. They are native to South America which rules out the chance of me being able to go out and catch one as a pet. But the real-life capybaras don't share much of a resemblance to the Japanese Kapibara-san.

Kapibara-san in real life.

Still cute though! I'd capture steal adopt one.

The whole Kapibaran-san characters. I think this picture is from their Patchworks collection. I don't know why one of them is one fire.

The moment of truth arrived in the form of a tiny little box labeled "Play Asia" yesterday morning.Despite this being my most anticipated kawaii package to arrive, I took my sweet ass time opening the box. I was actually preparing my lunch until my sister asked to open it.


Sorry for using so many gifs but I had so much looking fun looking for them that I couldn't not use more than 1. I'd put more but that'd be a tad overkill.

The packaging is gorgeous! I especially love the clear display that lets you see what you're buying rather than the traditional re-ments where they're blind boxes. I also like the fact that it's not in a box but in a plastic bag (I can't believe I said that, I'm usually all for environmentally friendly packaging).

Traditional packaging for Re-ments like this Rilakkuma one. My sister has the complete set.

Packaging for Kapibara-san Re-ments.

Little informational booklet and piece of gum that comes with it.

The two doubles that I received were the ice cream and the swiss roll. As I had mentioned, I was going to sell them but then my mom ruined it all by saying that she wanted the ice cream one. I gave it to her and gave the swiss roll one to my sister to add to her re-ment collection.

Bowl of kawaii desserts!

Unfortunately, I depleted Play Asia's stock of Kapibara-san re-ments for those of you who want it. And my mom ruined my plan to sell the extras BUT J-List/JBox has them! You can actually buy the complete set too but there's only 3 sets left! There's the link in my Shopping section. Good luck kapibara-san lovers!